Connecticut And Massachusetts Soft Tissue Injury Lawyer

Van Dyke Law, LLC’s Connecticut and Massachusetts soft tissue injury lawyer has handled numerous matters involving injury claims arising from accidents that inflict soft tissue damage to the victim.

Soft tissue injuries are often put to the side as injuries which do not require extensive medical care.  However, this is often a mistake as soft tissue injuries can quickly develop into serious injuries that can plague you for the rest of your life.  If you have received a soft tissue injury as a result of an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

What is a Soft Tissue Injury?

Soft tissue injuries include the following:

  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Contusions
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Stress Injuries

It is quite easy to get a soft tissue injury, and many times you do not know that a soft tissue injury occurred.  Some soft tissue injuries may occur over time after repeated injuries to a single area, such as continued turns of your ankle which lead to a stress fracture or severe sprain.  Other soft tissue injuries can occur in sudden accidents such as car accidents or slip and falls.  Each injury is unique and must be treated in its own way.

Different Types of Soft Tissue Injuries

Sprains involve a stretch or tear of the ligaments, the strong bands of tissue which connect your bones.  Typically, your ankles, knees, and wrists are most susceptible to sprains and can occur when the joint is suddenly twisted.  Most sprains can be treated with ice and elevation, although severe sprains require surgery.

Strains occur when you injury a muscle or tendon, which can either be minor or can require surgery.  Strains usually occur in your foot or leg.

Contusion is a severe bruise which occurs after a blow to your muscle, tendon, or ligament and is often treated by ice, compression, or elevation.  In severe cases, medical care is necessary to treat any soft tissue damage.

Tendonitis refers to inflammation of the tendon, which is a healing response to a stress injury which aggravates the tendon.  Tennis players, golfers, and baseball players are susceptible to tendonitis because of their repeated arm motions.  Severe tendonitis requires surgery to alleviate the injury.

Bursitis often occurs with tendonitis and refers to swelling and irritation in the bursa, a fluid sac located between the bone and a muscle.  This can be treated with anti-inflammatory medicine, although sometimes additional medication is required to be injected into the bursa to ease the pain.

Finally, stress fractures occurs when one bone is stressed from overuse.  You will often receive warning signs of an impending stress fracture through pain and swelling of the region.  Small bones in the foot are often likely parties of a stress fracture.

Van Dyke Law, LLC’s Connecticut and Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorney

If you have received a soft tissue injury as a result of an accident which was not your fault, you should receive compensation for your injuries.  While soft tissue injuries do not seem as severe as other injuries, over time they can become quite debilitating.  Van Dyke Law, LLC’s Connecticut and Massachusetts soft tissue injury lawyer is well experienced in fighting for your rights after receiving soft tissue injuries in an accident.  Contact our West Hartford, Glastonbury, or Enfield office today for your initial free consultation.

Van Dyke Law, LLC's Connecticut and Massachusetts personal injury lawyer also handles personal injuries involving:

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