Van Dyke Law, LLC handles personal injury litigation in State and Federal courts throughout Connecticut and Massachusetts. The following are a small sample of the results Attorney Peter Van Dyke has achieved for his clients. These results are based on the merits of each case.
Each case had unique facts and circumstances, similar or better results cannot be guaranteed.

Pedestrian/Motor Vehicle Wrongful Death
$800,000.00 settlement
A pedestrian was struck by two vehicles heading in opposite directions while crossing the street at night. State police report cited pedestrian as the cause of the accident. After written and deposition discovery, case settled for a total of $800,000.00.
Rear End Accident
$500,000.00 arbitration award
Plaintiff was rear-ended while stopped for traffic on the highway. He suffered an annular tear at L5-S1, and underwent anterior-posterior spinal fusion surgery, during which his L4-L5 and L5-S1 were fused. Case was arbitrated and plaintiff was awarded $500,000.00.

Facial Injuries
$325,000.00 settlement
Plaintiff was struck in the face with a piece of playground equipment, and suffered a fractured alveolar bone, traumatic avulsion of four upper central incisors, traumatic intrusion of one upper central incisor, and multiple loose teeth, requiring the extraction, replanting, and repositioning of the upper central incisors, subsequent root canals, and the permanent replacement of teeth. Case settled at a mediation for $325,000.00.
Facial Injuries
$175,000.00 settlement
Plaintiff struck his face during a boating accident, and suffered a Le Fort I fracture, requiring open reduction and internal fixation, an alveolar fracture of the left anterior mandible, requiring closed reduction and fixation, and a nasal fracture, requiring closed reduction; and traumatic avulsion of four teeth, requiring subsequent root canals, and the permanent replacement of teeth. Case settled at mediation for $175,000.00.

Van Dyke Law, LLC's Connecticut and Massachusetts personal injury lawyer also handles personal injuries involving: